

According to established by Organic Law 15/1999, December the 13th of Personal Data Protection (Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal) we inform you that all personal data gathethered by forms, blog commentaries or any other information provided voluntarily by you (from this point forward User) in order to access our services will be included into "Clients" file registered in Data Protection Spanish Agency by AVARCAS MENORQUINAS (from this point forward AVARCAS.COM) with registered office in Avenida de Vigo, 173 - 36320 - Redondela, Pontevedra. You can contact us using the e-mail:

Data collection

The User guarantees the personal information given to AVARCAS.COM is correct, and is responsible to communicate any modification of these. In case that given data belongs to third party, the User guarantees that said third party was informed by him and has his full authorization. By giving us that information the User states he already read and knows present Privacy Policy as well as a complete agreement with expressed terms.

During communication with AVARCAS.COM the User will not include any of personal data for which a medium of high level of protection is required as defined by the rules such as ideology, religion, beliefs, health, race origin or sexual life.


The collection and processing of personal data through any of the forms of the website has the following purposes:

  • to attend to any inquires and requests of information about our services or products
  • to allow contracting of services or products offered by AVARCAS.COM
  • shipment of ordered products and public relations after
  • to participate in user communities managed by the Company
  • to send information about our Company using different medias, our news, events, activities, offers, etc
  • to send a commercial information and advertisiment related with services and products of third parties.

If the User wants to share more personal data with AVARCAS.COM for other purposes like a CV, he should refuse using general website canals of communication and consult us using the appriopiate way.

Security measures

From AVARCAS.COM we inform and assure you that in order to keep al the data safe we adopted tecnical or organizational measures that guarantee a safety of all personal information and prevent from any changes, loss or unauthorized access to them, all acording to Royal Decree 1720/2007, December the 21st aproving development of regulations of Organic Law 15/1999, December the 13th of Personal Data Protection and others security procedures. However, the User must be awared that Internet security methods are not impregnable.

Data assignment

The User knows and accepts that his personal data may be provided to third parties whenever it will be necessary to fulfill with purposes stated before, always obeying the actual laws and general quality and privacy policies of AVARCAS.COM.

Access, rectification, cancelation and opposition process

In compliance with actual regulations, the User can adress his communications and exercise the rights of access, retification, cancelation and oposition via ordinary mail:


Also, you can contact us using our e-mail:

In order to exercise the rights of access, retification, cancelation and oposition, in accordance with the article 23 of RD 1720/2007, December the 21st which approves regulation of development of Organic Law 15/1999 of Personal Data Protection, it is necessary to confirm by the User his personality at the front of the responsible of the treatment by sending a photocopy of his ID or any other medium in rights.

According to stated in 34/2002, July 11th, Information Services Society and E-Commerce Regulation, in case that you are not interested to receive any commercial comunications in the future, you can manifest it using our e-mal adress:

Social networks

Social network profiles counted by AVARCAS.COM don't suppose any treatment of information beyond the stated in the a social network policy for corporative profile. AVARCAS.COM may use said profiles to inform users of each social network suscribe into company profile about its activities, events, special offers or any news related to products or services. AVARCAS.COM will not extract any information directly from the social network.

Consent for a treatment and cession of the personal data

Filling in any form and indicating that you "Accept the Privacy Policy" and clicking on "send" button the User shows that he already read and accepted the present Privacy Policy and gives a consent for a treatment of his information as stated before.

AVARCAS.COM may modify the present policies in order to adapt it to any legislative changes, jurisprudence or of Data Protection Spanish Agency interpretation. These privacy conditions can be complemented by Legal Notice, Cookies Policy and General Conditions which will be collected to determined products or services if the case.

If any of the previous clauses would be declared invalid or inefficient (totally or partially) this will not involve invalidation of the rest of the contract, keeping its validity.